Waikato River, Hamilton

Waikato River, Hamilton
Low Water Waikato River, Hamilton NZ

Monday, February 28, 2011


 Post by Judy@Gallery 21


This Practica LTL3 camera body has been part of our family since 1979 after it replaced an earlier model we had owned.  The lens is still the original Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar – a mighty piece of German engineering.

This solid manual SLR was manufactured by East German VEB Pentacon (Dresden) between 1975 and 1978.  Praktica’s in general are well-designed and built to last and we have heaps of transparencies and photos taken with this camera to prove it. 

This is the last of the LTL series and has a TTL metering system.  This camera's best feature is the super-strong shutter.  It's a vertical focal plane metal blade shutter with a very unique and sturdy wind stroke.  It feels like a mechanism that knows exactly what it's supposed to do and does it. 

Although this camera is 36 years’ old, it is still in excellent working condition and all we have to do is put a roll of 35 mm film in it and go and take photos.  It has been a good reliable friend which has travelled with us on many of our overseas trips recording lots of good memories in transparency and B&W negative film.